Customer Video Testimonials

Customer Case StudiesDuring the RunSignUp Race Director and Timer Symposium, a number of customers agreed to share their stories with us on video.  We are doing a number of things with that, and wanted to update you.

We have already improved our Quotes Page with some videos of customers explaining what they like about RunSignUp.

Soon, we will be releasing a new Customers Pages, that will contain more in depth Customer Success Stories about how they have made their race, club or running store better by using RunSignUp technology. We want to build this into a great reference site for customers and people considering the use of RunSignUp to learn about how others are using things.

In about another 2 weeks, we will be posting all of the videos and content from the Conference. This will provide great material for every race director and timer, even if you are not using RunSignUp.

Finally, we  have recently updated the “footer” at the bottom of the main website pages, such as with a rolling set of short videos where our customers highlight some of the benefits they get from using RunSignUp.

We will continue to build on this library so that there is a wealth of information and learning and sharing that we can help bring to the running community.

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