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RunSignUp Clubs – Beta

We are in beta test with the new RunSignUp Clubs.  We have over a half dozen clubs that are testing right now, but it is really open to anyone.

We aren’t finished yet, but it is in good enough shape to do a lot of the basics.  The big things left to do are the financial reports, running log and assignments and some refinements on importing.  Most other things are in pretty good shape, and we think you will like them!

You can use one of our test servers –  This is a test server and your data will not be saved or moved over from here.

It is also a safe environment to test in with a fake credit card number you can use: 4111111111111111 with a cvv of 111 and any date.  That is a 4 followed by 15 1’s.

Here is a 10 minute video that overviews everything.  Note you will be using a different test server than the one I mention in this video – so make sure you go to

If you want to see a test club, go to  This is one I put together.  Take a look at it on a smartphone, or shrink the size of your window to see the “responsive design” we are using to make this mobile-ready!  You can use that fake credit card to join my fake club!

Here are the steps you can take to get going:

  1. See if your login works.  If not, then click Create a Club on the main page and you will be led thru creating an account.
  2. Wizard.  Create your Club in the new Wizard.
  3. When you finish the wizard, you can go to your Club Editing Page.  It looks like this:

You will be able to mouse over any of the Tabs or sub-tabs to make a selection.  My suggestion is to do the following:

  1. Add Questions under the Club Info Tab.
  2. Click on the View Club Page.  Register a couple of people using the credit card info above.
  3. Click on the Members Tab and see the members that you just entered.  The larger clubs will love the speed!
  4. Click on Social and Notifications – this is where you can edit the emails that are going out.
  5. Click on Donations and set up Donations if you want.
  6. Click on Store and set up a quick item to sell.
  7. Go back to the Club Page and see what it looks like with Donations and Store.  Now register another member


There are some additional features we want to add here.  We would love feedback on this new form we came up with to enter individual members.  For uploading the CSV, try exporting from your current club and edit that CSV file to include only the first 10 members and try the import.  We are going to make this import a bit better over the next couple of days.  So just play with it for now.

That is all for now.  Please forward questions and comments and suggestions and bugs and anything else.  We hope you like it!

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