Timer Training: RaceDay Scoring Backup to Cloud

Timer Training: RaceDay Scoring Backup to Cloud

This on-demand webinar is for timers using RaceDay Scoring and covers how to use its newest backup to cloud capabilities. This new feature:

  • Increases data security, continuity of operations, and provides increased flexibility
  • Bypasses need to import/export zipped files in public folders
  • Enables sharing of scoring data with junior timers or others on team, which is ideal for remote timing. Also, vice versa is true- junior timers on site share data with lead timers to then work the data. 
  • Enables simplified access and management of data from a different computer at a later time

This recorded session walks through the various steps to take for using RaceDay Scoring’s backup to cloud and tips like making sure to save synched files, what happens when something changes and how this affects backed up files, the need for times to use their own login when sharing files, and so on. Also, some future changes are touched on.

Timers are invited to schedule one-on-one time with Crisp for training on RaceDay Scoring or any of the RaceDay Suite of technology products.

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