Club Header Image Cropping

We have added the ability to quickly crop an image when uploading your Club Membership header. Simply click the image uploader to pick an image: When you pick the image, it will automatically load into this convenient cropping tool that allows you to zoom and move the image so it matches the proper size: Just […]

Shopify and RunSignup Inventory Syncing

Note: We are making this option unavailable to new customers in February, 2022. The volume of usage and issues of inventory and item syncing introduced a 5% error rate, which we are not able to address fully. We have had some customers ask why they can not reconcile inventory exactly. The total available is in […]

Amazon Attribution and RunSignup Insights

Amazon is releasing a hot new tool called Amazon Attribution. It is being very well received by advertisers as a truer way of tracking the source of purchases and website traffic. We don’t want to brag, but we have been doing the same thing since we released RunSignup Insights in April, 2017. Stay tuned because […]
